Twenty Years and Some Lessons

So recently (over a month ago-oops) I have closed the book to an end of an era, my teenage years. I am officially an adult, even though I don’t think I’ve figured the whole “adulting” thing out yet. But living on planet earth for two whole decades, I feel like I have learned some things, so here’s some of them;

1. Expect the unexpected

Life can be so strange and you can meet and experience so many things that you never thought would happen. People who you thought would have little impact in your life, could turn out to have the most. For better or for worse.

2. Your weight doesn’t define you

So this one really hits home at the moment as recently I’ve put on weight and I’ve really struggled to accept that. Even though I want to lose weight as I don’t feel fully confident, I know that my weight doesn’t define me or my worth.

3. Not everyone will like you, but you won’t like them either

I think I’m a little like marmite, you either love me or hate me. I tend to speak my mind and say it how it is, which is a blessing and a curse, but also makes me hard to like if you’re personality is on the opposite side of the spectrum. If you’re like that though, I probably don’t like you much either.

4. No matter how many times you change your hair colour, you’ll always go back to blonde

This one really explains itself, I think I’ll be bleaching my hair until I’m eighty.

5. Save as much money as possible

Sometimes in life you spend money on things that you didn’t think you would be buying right now, like a car. At the start of June me and my boyfriend bought a car and I’m SO glad I had money saved for it.

6. Positive vibes are the best way

I struggle with this one but I do think being positive is the best way in every situation, even though sometimes you can’t see that. I strongly believe that what you put out in to the world is what comes back to you.

7. Always go after what you want

Probably a bit of a cliché but you’ll regret the things that you don’t work towards that you really want, which leads to…

8. Motivate yourself, even when you can’t be arsed

Always try to get out of bed in the morning and get shit done, you’ll thank yourself later for it.

That’s it for now, stay safe x