Hello 2020

As if it’s the start of a whole new year, a whole new decade and a new 365 days- well minus four. I feel good about this year, despite walking into it with a crappy immune system and a viral infection, I think it’s gonna be a year full of new experiences and changes. It’s exciting but really daunting at the same time. I’ve set some goals for myself this year that I REALLY hope I stick to, I’ve even written them on my notes in my phone so I can keep referring back to them. So here they are;

Learn to DRIVE

This one is super important, I feel like I’ve been putting this off ever since I was 17. First it was the excuse of not having the money and now I just keep telling myself “it’s because of the theory, if that didn’t exist I would’ve passed by now”. So this is me formally telling myself to shut up and just do it, if not now then when?

Lose a bit of chub. A stone is the aim, anything else is a bonus.

Now I could’ve sugar coated this one, but this is exactly how I wrote it down in my phone and this is how it’s staying. Since being with my boyfriend I’ve put on a whole stone, and I can only blame myself (and him a little bit) for all the nights we’ve sat there with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s whilst watching Netflix.

I don’t usually care about the number on the scales when trying to lose weight, I usually go by physical changes, but BOY has this extra stone made me feel heavy. I’m no way saying you have to be a certain weight to be comfortable in yourself but for me, this stone has really made a difference to my self confidence.

Start a business?

This one is really broad and I’m not even sure what I mean by this. I’m hoping I can start to sell more stuff on my Depop so I’m then able to actually buy some stock that I know will sell. I also want to carry on blogging and hopefully gain an audience who keep coming back. So in short, I just wanna be more creative and do the things I like.

Get at LEAST one tattoo

I’m surprised at this one to be honest, because by the age of nearly twenty I thought I would of had a fair few by now. I know what tattoos I want and have since before turning 18 and I was even suppose to get one for my 18th birthday, I just haven’t got around to doing it. I know it’s not a tattoo, but I also want to get my septum pierced again.

Save, save and save

I’ve never been bad with money and I’m still not to this day, but I have a bit of a problem. I never like seeing my current account below a certain point, even though I know I don’t need that much money in my account because I’m not going to spend it. This makes it hard for me to transfer money to my savings sometimes and I really have to force myself, it’s stupid I know.


What are some of your goals for this year?


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