Having a Life Crisis…Before I’m Twenty

Since my last year of college, which I finished this June, I’ve felt like I’ve been having a bit of a life crisis. I think a lot of it stemmed from the Big question; to go to university or to not? After visiting a few I decided against it, but deferred the Buying and Merchandising course for next year as a plan B. I don’t regret my decision because in all honesty I really didn’t want to go and still don’t, but I feel like I would’ve felt more accomplished if I did. But I guess if it didn’t feel right, would it of really made me feel like I had taken a step towards success?

I’ve known for a really long time that I’ve wanted to do something creative, but not entirely sure what, and the idea of being self employed is really appealing to me. It will give me the freedom to dabble in all things creative and really find my “thing”.

Right now though, I feel like I’m in a rut and I’m not really sure where to go next in my life. I’m not exactly a lover of my day job, so I’ve had a look at others but I feel like I won’t enjoy it fully and it will be the same as where I am now, as I know I don’t actually want to be there in the long run.

I should give myself some credit though, I have achieved a lot in the last four years of my life. I retook my maths GCSE and passed, completed two businesses courses whilst trying to juggle a job at the same time, which is more pressure than it may seem. I’m currently working on my Depop store, where I sell vintage, preloved and designer clothing. I would really like that to take off so I could start up as a small businesses, so if you’re looking for any clothing of have some spare time then check it out 😉 (@venvintage)

All in all though, a lot of us feel like this and question our purposes and where we’re going in life, knowing this gives me some comfort. I know things will work out eventually and have to remind myself that I haven’t even hit twenty yet and I still have time to achieve the things that I want. Even if you’re way past your twenties and reading this, you still have time to draw a line through things on your bucket list that you want to do. Everyday gives us another chance, so we should probably take it.

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